Todays namedays - Mars 28

Austrian flag Austria: Guntram, Ingbert
Bulgarian flag Bulgaria: Albena, Boyan, Boyko, Boyana, Boyka
Croatian flag Croatia: Nada, Polion, Priska, Renata, Sonja
Czech flag Czech Republic: Sona
Estonian flag Estonia: Arm, Armas, Armo, Kallis
Finnish flag Finland: Armas
French flag France: Gontran
Greek flag Greece: No data for this day
Hungarian flag Hungary: Johanna, Gedeon
Italian flag Italy: Sisto
Latvian flag Latvia: Ginta, Gunda, Gunta
Norwegian flag Norway: Åsta, Åste
Polish flag Poland: Aniela, Antoni
Romainian flag Romainia: Ilarion
Slovakian flag Slovakia: Sona
Swedish flag Sweden: Malkolm, Morgan

Namedays today

Namedays, or name days, are a tradition celebrated in many cultures around the world, similar to birthdays but instead commemorating the feast day of a saint or martyr after whom a person is named. The concept of namedays is especially prevalent in countries with strong Christian traditions, such as Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Bulgaria, and various Latin American countries.

Historical Origins

The tradition of namedays has its roots in the Christian calendar of saint's. In early Christianity, followers commemorated the martyrdom or death anniversary of saints and martyrs. Over time, these commemorations became linked to individuals who bore the names of these saints. For example, if a persons name was John, their nameday would be celebrated on the feast day of Saint John the Baptist, June 24th. This practice reinforced the Christian identity and religious devotion, as individuals were reminded annually of their patron saints virtues and sacrifices.

Nameday Celebrations

Nameday celebrations vary by culture but often include special gatherings, religious ceremonies, and feasts. In Greece, for instance, namedays are often more significant than birthdays. People host parties, attend church services, and exchange gifts and good wishes. It is customary for the person celebrating their nameday to receive visitors at their home, where guests offer their congratulations.

In Poland, namedays (imieniny) are celebrated similarly to birthdays, with friends and family offering well wishes, flowers, and gifts. Schools and workplaces often recognize namedays, and it is not uncommon for someone to bring treats to share with colleagues.

In Hungary, namedays are listed in calendars, and it is common to celebrate with cakes and small gatherings. The importance of namedays in Hungarian culture can often surpass that of birthdays, emphasizing the community aspect of the celebration.

Modern Relevance

Despite changes in social norms and the increasing secularization in many parts of the world, namedays remain a cherished tradition in numerous cultures. They provide an opportunity for social interaction and the reinforcement of cultural and religious heritage. In some countries like Sweden and Finland, namedays are included in official calendars, ensuring that the tradition remains prominent in public life.

In recent years, nameday celebrations have also adapted to contemporary lifestyles. Social media platforms play a significant role in the modern observance of namedays, allowing people to send virtual greetings and messages to loved ones, thus maintaining the tradition even when physical gatherings are not possible.